full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Sylvia Earle: My wish Protect our oceans

Unscramble the Blue Letters

Yet we have this idea, we huanms, that the Earth — all of it: the oceans, the skies — are so vast and so resilient it doesn't matter what we do to it. That may have been true 10,000 years ago, and maybe even 1,000 years ago but in the last 100, especially in the last 50, we've drwan down the astess, the air, the water, the wildlife that make our lives possible. New technologies are hipleng us to udatsrnend the nature of nature; the nature of what's hianepnpg, showing us our impact on the Earth. I mean, first you have to know that you've got a problem. And fortunately, in our time, we've learned more about the problems than in all preceding history. And with knowing comes caring. And with caring, there's hope that we can find an enduring place for ourselves within the natural systems that support us. But first we have to know.

Open Cloze

Yet we have this idea, we ______, that the Earth — all of it: the oceans, the skies — are so vast and so resilient it doesn't matter what we do to it. That may have been true 10,000 years ago, and maybe even 1,000 years ago but in the last 100, especially in the last 50, we've _____ down the ______, the air, the water, the wildlife that make our lives possible. New technologies are _______ us to __________ the nature of nature; the nature of what's _________, showing us our impact on the Earth. I mean, first you have to know that you've got a problem. And fortunately, in our time, we've learned more about the problems than in all preceding history. And with knowing comes caring. And with caring, there's hope that we can find an enduring place for ourselves within the natural systems that support us. But first we have to know.


  1. happening
  2. helping
  3. drawn
  4. humans
  5. assets
  6. understand

Original Text

Yet we have this idea, we humans, that the Earth — all of it: the oceans, the skies — are so vast and so resilient it doesn't matter what we do to it. That may have been true 10,000 years ago, and maybe even 1,000 years ago but in the last 100, especially in the last 50, we've drawn down the assets, the air, the water, the wildlife that make our lives possible. New technologies are helping us to understand the nature of nature; the nature of what's happening, showing us our impact on the Earth. I mean, first you have to know that you've got a problem. And fortunately, in our time, we've learned more about the problems than in all preceding history. And with knowing comes caring. And with caring, there's hope that we can find an enduring place for ourselves within the natural systems that support us. But first we have to know.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
life support 7
coral reefs 5
support system 5
google earth 5
bad news 5
natural systems 4
big fish 3
protected areas 3
intelligent life 2
deep sea 2
national marine 2
good news 2
square miles 2

ngrams of length 3

collocation frequency
life support system 5

Important Words

  1. air
  2. assets
  3. caring
  4. drawn
  5. earth
  6. enduring
  7. find
  8. fortunately
  9. happening
  10. helping
  11. history
  12. hope
  13. humans
  14. idea
  15. impact
  16. knowing
  17. learned
  18. lives
  19. matter
  20. natural
  21. nature
  22. oceans
  23. place
  24. preceding
  25. problem
  26. problems
  27. resilient
  28. showing
  29. skies
  30. support
  31. systems
  32. technologies
  33. time
  34. true
  35. understand
  36. vast
  37. water
  38. wildlife
  39. years